Friday, September 5, 2008

Twas the night before football

The season is already one week old, but it is never too late for the following words about College Football. This was sent by a fan of the Maize and Blue Michigan Wolverines, but no matter who you root for you have to love it....

Twas the night before football and all on Main Street,
Not a player was stirring, not even Steve Threet

The jerseys were hung by the lockers with care,
in hope that the kickoff, soon would be there

The players were nestled all snug in their beds,
while visions of Rose Bowls danced through their heads

The wife said "come to bed, its getting quite late",
but I was determined to plan a tailgate

Chicken wings, nachos, bratwurst and beer
"you'll surely keel over" my doctor had feared

Then out of nowhere I heard quite a clatter,
Turned on the TV, and saw Jim Brandstatter

He said, "Lloyd is gone, and boy was he great
But Rich Rod's the one to deliver our fate"

No more "I" formation, no auto run on first,
and out with Debord - he was the worst

And the new offense, they call it the spread
the schedule is packed with defenses to shred

And then in the background, the view of a Vicar
and then came the band, playing Hail to the Victors

There on the 50, in a maize and blue jacket
stood Rich Rodriguez, and amid the band's racket:

"On Minor, on Schilling, on Mathews and Brown,
On Taylor, on Warren, Tressel's a Clown!"

"To the top of the standings, and on to the bowls,
The National Title, these are our goals!"

As he faded away, a voice we all know,
boomed from heavens - by God it was Bo.

"I'm excited as hell, you all know the reason,
now gather the troops, its time for the season"

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